The Kianjavato community had donated land for the reforestation nursery, however this created difficulty in accessing the river for water. As a token of gratitude, the Madagascar Biodiversity Partnership built a well in the commune to allow access to clean, safe water.
The Kianjavato Ahmanson Field Station (KAFS) is grateful to have local support. Mama Mithra of the Vehivavy Vonona (Single Women's Club) in Andalamahitsy brought vegetables from her own garden to her station. We are blessed to have kind people such as her who also believe in our project.
In the northernmost site, the Montagne des Francais (MDF) is astir with the reforestation efforts. As of June 2017, there have been 24,271 trees planted. Here are photos of the nursery and the MDF community in action:
One of the components in the project that Marat Karpeka Lemur Foundation has in this area is a bridge. We are at an impasse as of the moment due to land contracts that we are working very hard to resolve.
Author: Angel Nicolas